Last October 2021, Marchesini Group, a Bologna-based company and one of the Italian and European leaders in the pharmaceutical packaging sector, announced the acquisition of the majority of the capital of Dott. Bonapace, company based in Cusano Milanino, also active in the pharmaceutical world. A marriage that makes both companies happy and that seems destined to leave its mark on the world of drug production and its packaging. And not only at national level.
The activities of the two Italian industrial and mechanical companies can in fact be seen as complementary. Marchesini Group specialises in the manufacture of cartoning and case packing machines (but not only) for cosmetics and pharmaceutical products (not least the anti-Covid vaccine), while the Milan-based company Dott. Bonapace has strong know-how in the design and manufacture of machinery for the production of drugs in solid form.

Marchesini Group acquires Dott. Bonapace: details of the operation
According to the press note issued by the Bologna-based group, Marchesini Group has acquired (for an unspecified sum) 70% of the capital of Dott Bonapace. A strategic acquisition, which allows the Group to further expand its already extensive machine park with new technologies that handle special products such as suppositories, capsules and tablets.
The Milan-based company, founded as a pharmacy in 1872 and later transformed into a galenic machinery manufacturing company, is in fact specialised in the design and production of laboratory machinery used for Research and Development and in small industrial production of consumables. In this way Marchesini Group will be able to enter a new production segment – that of pharmaceutical machinery – further differentiating its business.
Marchesini Group and Dr. Bonapace: the reasons for a (successful) marriage
Given these premises, understanding the reasons that led Marchesini Group to acquire 70% of the capital of the Milan-based company is not at all complex. As the Group’s Managing Director Mr. Petro Cassani explains, the new acquisition will allow for better management and greater control over the supply chain at a time of recovery for the entire sector.
In fact, with its very broad portfolio of subsidiaries, Marchesini Group is not only able to design and manufacture machinery for the packaging of pharmaceuticals. Thanks to a long series of acquisitions over the past few years, the Group is also active in the high-level software sector and, with the acquisition of Dr. Bonapace, is now able to offer pharmaceutical machinery and services for the entire supply chain, from production to packaging.