With the easing of restrictions on movement and live events, many events and trade fairs that had been suspended over the past two years have resumed their normal scheduling. These include CPhI Worldwide, one of the most eagerly awaited and followed pharmaceutical events in the world, which this year will be held at Fiera Milano City, a few kilometres from the centre of Milan.
As in pre-Covid years, the event will be attended by thousands of people from over 170 countries, with stands dedicated to all the key players in the sector: from chemical-pharmaceutical companies to manufacturers of machines for packaging medicines.
CPhI Worldwide 2021: what to expect
It is no coincidence that CPhI Worldwide will be held, two years after its last edition, in Milan. The Lombard capital is the Italian heart of pharmaceutical production, with more than 100 companies and 24,000 people employed directly (28,000 in allied industries). During the event, great importance will be given to the world of packaging and packaging machines for the pharmaceutical industry.
As Orhan Caglayan, brand director of CPhI Worldwide, pointed out, the next 12 months could be the most profitable in many years for companies in the entire sector, even the smallest ones. Therefore, meeting again in person is a unique opportunity to find new partners and establish new industry relationships.
CPhI Worldwide Milan: the dates
Covid-19 is also having an impact on the calendar and general organisation of the Milan event. CPhI Worldwide 2021 will in fact be held in a double version: a virtual one, made up of teleconferences and lasting two weeks and a “real” one, with meetings and conferences organised in the spaces of Fiera Milano City. The hybrid organisation, the event organisers promise, will give the possibility to choose the best way to participate and will guarantee more time for networking and creating new professional and industrial relationships.
The virtual conference, accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world, kicks off on 25 October and ends on 19 November and will feature more than 50 online sessions, as well as countless opportunities to meet – remotely – other participants and stakeholders from around the world. All streaming sessions will focus on four specific themes: Product Innovations, Predictions for Future Scenarios, Market Insights and “educational” Exhibitor Workshops.
The in-person exhibition will be held from 9 to 11 November in Milan, in the Fiera Rho premises. There will be exhibitors and guests from over 170 countries from all over the world, for a total of 1,400 companies represented. A unique opportunity to forge new industrial and commercial relationships and definitively relaunch one of the leading sectors during the Sars-CoV-2 emergency.

CPhI Worldwide 2021 Milan: how to participate
Those who want to take part in CPhI Worldwide 2021 at Milano Fiera have just to register on the website of the event, deciding whether to buy the pass for the virtual sessions or the one for the participation in presence. Or, in case of extreme interest, purchase tickets for both versions.
As stated on the official website of CPhI Worldwide 2021, those who decide to attend the Milan Fair must follow a strict health protocol. Obviously, to participate you will need a Green Pass, while to access the exhibition spaces you will have to undergo a body temperature measurement, you will have to wear a surgical mask the whole time and you will have to maintain an interpersonal distance of at least one metre.